Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Econofoods AD review 4/8-4/14

Here is my AD review for this week at Econofoods check link for full ad.

Print local Our family coupons here

Here are some note worthy deals remember to check whole ad for other prices.

Big one this week is all Kellogg's cereal,poptarts and snack bars are 40% off! That alone is a good deal you can add on any coupons that you may have had clipped or check out kelloggs web site for some good printables . Also while they last when you buy 2 products the store has some cute reusable bags for free.  Another great tip check the boxes for in store peel-able coupons for some double up deals.

The 3 deals i saw were $1 off milk when you buy 2 kellogg cereals, Free M&M's when you buy 2 rice kripspies and harder to find (check shelves in front of meat dept.) was save $3 off milk when you buy 3 cereals (kemps on sale for $2.99 makes it free!)

Our family products:
Fabric softner sale $3.99/$1.50 coupon FP= $2.49
Detergent 100oz SAle $4.99/$2 coupon FP= $2.99
Dryer sheets 80count sale $1.99/$1 coupon FP= $.99 !!

Power aid in store 10 for $10 there is also in ad store/ad coupon for 5 free when you buy 10 FP= 15 for $10

There are plenty of deals this week check out page 6 of the AD for a friday only deals and there is also a local meat sale thurs-sat. 

Additional coupon sources- Smart source  and Magnify the savings and coupons .com

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